Monday, February 15, 2010

P365 Day 220: "I'm not in your way, am I?"

For once, I'm happy to let Joe get in the way. I'm frustrated with the Interwebs. I'm going to take a step back and hold her for a while.

Blogger announced a couple of weeks ago that it will no longer supporting FTP publishing by the end of March. That's not horrible news; I've been meaning to move over to WordPress for a long, long time, and this is a great catalyst. But it's time-consuming. I want it to look Just Right, and that means spending a lot of time playing with this file and that file. And then, I assume, I'll have to help CFD migrate his blog, too.

I've become attached to Patches, the little bear in the top left corner. The last time I toyed with WordPress, I got rid of Patches and it just wasn't the same. Patches has been with me a long time. I'm going to do my best to keep her around. Anyway, if the blog goes up and down over the next couple of weeks, there's a good reason why: I'm screwing up something or another behind the scenes.

Mom said more snow moved through Memphis last night, but it looks like that rare coastal snow isn't going to make another appearance this season. It's 46 and raining. I like cold weather and winter, but I'm kind of ready for this season to be over.

OK. Time for news, Olympics and dinner. Probably not in that order.


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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